Commercial Property Auctions

Sell Your Commercial Property at Auction

J. P. King Auction Company has sold thousands of properties including shopping centers, strip malls and office buildings, through commercial real estate auctions, consistently demonstrating our ability to get satisfactory results.

Over the years, we have found that marketing commercial properties at auction results in concrete benefits such as reducing ongoing carrying costs and management expenses. In addition, the auction process allows our clients to have a date-certain sale and closing, enabling you to target the quarter in which you wish to reallocate those assets.

In addition to our outstanding record in commercial real estate auctions, we’ve worked with hundreds of investors, lenders, and institutions to find solutions to minimize the negative impact of excessive property inventories.

Modern office buildings like this are available at auction from J.P. King

Why Choose J.P. King for Commercial Real Estate Auctions?

At J. P. King, our specialists simplify auctioning commercial property into a three-step process:

Commercial Property Challenges

Throughout the industry, the J. P. King name stands for the highest levels of service and integrity, attracting bidders with the utmost confidence in our organization.  With that being said, the more challenging your property may be to sell the more you need J. P. King.

Liquidate virtually any type of commercial real estate and be proactive when it comes to the sale of your property.  Bring your property to the attention of prospective buyers who might never hear about it through ordinary listings and sell your one property or a portfolio of hundreds in as little as 60 days by utilizing a total multifaceted marketing campaign.

A busy lobby of a modern office building sold at a commercial property auction

Partner with a Commercial Real Estate Professional Today

J. P. King Auction Company has your best interest in mind and works diligently to provide you with the best solution possible when it comes to selling your commercial property at auction.

Connect with our commercial real estate auctioneers today to get a free consultation on your property or learn more about our proven track record.